
Showing posts from February, 2016

Violence. Boring. Tension. Boring.

On Saturday morning I reviewed "The Glorious Heresies", a novel by Lisa McInerney, on Amazon. Saturday night I went to see "The Revenant". Both struck me as having the same structure. Violence and boredom, tension and boredom. After 50 pages of "The Glorious Heresies" I got the feeling that the rest of the book would be the same. Portraits of the violence and desperation of the poor in Cork, Ireland. Page after page would be the same. I stopped reading because of the tedium of it. After the first 30 minutes of "The Revenant" I began to think that the rest of the film would be more of the same. I was right. Violence, tension, boredom, wishing the film would end. As I sat there I wondered if it was so hard to make an artwork of some kind which is not so... so... violent. It seems to me that it mocks the real stuff happening to real people. Another thing the book and the film had in common was that they were both very wel...

I hate code-signing like I hated networks in the 1980s.

Warning: This blog is a mix of technical help to those in the same situation as myself, as well as a gripe/snarl/outpouring/angry rant about of the idiocy of this. Ends with an expletive not deleted. In the 1980s getting a network to go between 2 or more computers was, to me, a chaotic enterprise. The knowledge you needed was baroque and ever changing. So as soon as you understood it the technology would change and you'd have to learn new stuff to do the same thing all over again. So I left networks to the masochists who liked them. Now there's another subject about which I have the same feelings. Code signing. I have to do it once every three years or so and I forget how it works each time, or it changes how it works each time. So I hate the subject. But I thought: If I blog about it I'll have to be clear, precise and informative in the blog. I'll have to really understand it. So here goes... Code signing means adding some bytes to a p...