Alien Lizard Tongue
I had Covid, in my case nothing serious luckily, Covid-Light really. But the change in my sense of taste was amazing and unpleasant. I didn't lose my sense of taste, it was changed. I could still taste fruit and vegetables OK, but bread, pasta, pizza tasted like chopped up cardboard mixed with chopped up plastic. My wife made a pie for me, and I said "I can't eat that !" Beer and wine tasted odd too. It was as if someone had replaced my normal human tongue with an alien lizard tongue. The alien lizard tongue had been connected to my human brain, but/and clearly the wires did not match. At times it did not even feel like a taste, but some other sensation. Which got me wondering about how fragile our senses are. And what would be the result if a virus could affect our sense of vision or hearing or touch? How limited is the spectrum of sensation we have, how little we know of the world "out there".