Interpretation and explanation ruin art

 I never ever explain my artworks, creations, stuff, whatever you want to call them.

It reduces the scope of the work, it puts a filter in front of the viewer, it is unnecessary.

 Others have put it better years ago:

 The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery. - Francis Bacon

 Labelling takes attention away from the content. - Iris Häussler


 Why embrodier what excludes commentary? An image explained is no longer an image. - E M Cioran

 Interpretation is the revenge of the intellectual upon art. - Susan Sontag 

 When looking at art, saying nothing is always better than saying something. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

And I think the same goes for novels. When an author makes a book tour to promote his novel, and starts to explain origins, and says "I wrote this novel because...",  "I wanted to show...", "this character represents" and so on, all he or she is doing is ruining the magic of a work of fiction. Now the reader can constantly see the author behind scenes, events and characters.



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