Val Wilmer said an interesting thing...
I heard a program about Val Wilmer, an
English jazz journalist who knew all the greats. She made an
interesting point: In the last hundred years black music and cinema
are the two art forms which changed the world more than any other.
Without black music...
...there'd be no Beatles, Kinks, Rolling Stones or
Elvis Presely, and all that followed. And maybe without black music there'd be more racism.
What ever Tacita Dean says about how
important Cy Twombly's handwriting is for art...
...she's speaking to a
navel gazing elite. Neither Dean non Twombli will be remembered in
another hundred years. But I bet the musicians above are.
(And the critics gush and fawn on Dean,
Twombli, Kapoor, Cross, and their ilk, without ever seeming to
understand anything real.)
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