
Female Gazpacho and Male Gazpacho.

There's not much food I'm bothered about. I love rucola ( rocket in English) and a few weeks ago I discovered that I also like Gazpacho, a Spanish tomato soup served cold. Amazingly for me I looked up the recipe, and followed the law according to Delia Smith . Quite nice. But it annoyed me that not only did I have to peel the tomatoes but I also had to throw away the tomato seeds. This means wasting time and materials. So I invented Male Gazpacho. (All the other recipes you'll see are woosy wimpy Female Gazpacho versions).  Here are the steps: Make sure you have no amorous meetings, business appointments or job interviews during the two days following the making and consumation of Male Gazpacho. Follow Delia's recipe, except that you don't peel the tomatoes and you don't throw away the seeds. Use 4 (not 2) cloves of garlic. Don't make the garnish. Add in two crushed chili peppers. E' voila! The perfect Male Ga

A Low Cylinder Of Cloud.

I went shopping a few weeks ago. It was a blue sky day, but not too hot, for Italy in August, and on all horizons there were clouds. Above me cloudlessness, so it felt as if I was in the center of a low cylinder of cloud... ...This uplifted me and made me smile.

Celtic Art and sloppy modern rip-off artists

I dont' care if you think it twee, I like celtic art and celtic art knotwork. So I get dead annoyed when modern graphics designers rip off the original designs and then make a mess of them. The design on this cup is called Iona and was "adapted" by Jane Brookshaw. She has obviously no idea of the discipline involved in knotwork. Lines should go under then over and under then over and so on. In effect she has copied a good design badly. Had she slavishly copied a good design properly the result would have been less irritating!  I have roughly and quickly corrected these errors, and you can see the comparison in the image below: Lines flow under and over as they should do in proper knotwork in the corrected version (not over and over as they do in the top image). Unfortunately I was given, as a present, another cup with a design "adapted badly" by th

I may be out.

The conversation should have gone like this: Me: So, I'll pop in some time next weekend. Him: Phone first because I may be out. Me: Ok. Bye. The conversation actually went like this: Me: So, I'll pop in some time next weekend. Him: Phone first because I may be out. Me: Ok. Bye. Him: I might have to go to the shops. Me: Ok. Him: Or, you know, have the car serviced. Or pick up some cash from the cash machine. You know. I might be out. Shopping, you know. For food. Or clothes. Or something else. Like washing up liquid. I might go to the supermarket, but the bread is better in the local shops. Me: Ah. Him: If it is raining I'll take the car and go to the supermarket, even though it is further. I might be out for any number of reasons. Pick up the kids. Take Bobby to karate. Or Sophia to dance. You know. Then I have to get my bike checked, something wrong with the gears. I might be out doing that. Or I might go out for

The God Plane

It seems to be that most people think that a god exists or it doesn't. For most Christian's (apart from Don Cupitt, it's hard to know what he thinks even after reading his books) God definitely exists and is definitely good. But there are at least 3 possibilities to consider: Most people who believe in a god don't seem to consider the fact that it could exist and could be evil. There is a 25% chance of that from the above diagram. "The above diagram is too crude!" you say. And I agree, there are more possibilities. For example it is possible that it sort of exists but is neither good nor evil, that would be the central square in the diagram below.  At this point the possibility that it exists and is good is reduces to (1/9)*100 = 16.7%. "The above diagram is too crude!" you say. And I agree, there is an infinity of possibilities, as shown below.  God's existence and goodness could be on any

Can I really get 200x magnification out of my 40 Euro Veho USB microsope?

So far I've been amazed at what you can do with this device, but I hadn't ever tried to get 200 magnification, because the results at 50 and and 100 were luvverrrly anyway. Now just to get you to really understand what these numbers mean imagine your little finger, say it is 4cm long. 2X multiplication will make it 8cm long. 8X will make it 32cm long: 100X will make it 4 meters long and 200X will make it 8 meters long. So now look at your little finger and imagine it 8 meters long (26 feet in old money). I'm doing this because sometimes I forget that "times" is not "addition" and I think that 200 times bigger is not very much. I sort of confuse it in my head with 200, er, plusses. I dunno. Anyway 200 times is a lot. When I saw a tiny tiny white dot floating in my cat's water I decided to go for 200X. How could I fish out the thing from the water bowl though? I looked in the rubbish bin and found "The Secret History&

The pencil and the microscope.

To try to get my daughter away from her Samsung Galaxy and and WhatsUp and cold shining colorful screens of never to be fulfilled promise I suggested that we sit outside together on the balcony and draw some plants. And, oddly enough, she agreed. John Ruskin, a long dead art critic, snob and self confessed wanker, taught the "lower classes" to draw in schools for workers. And he said that the idea was not to make great artists out of them, but to make them appreciate what beauty was around them. He was definitely an odd bloke, but that idea struck a chord with me. If you try to draw something, with pencil and paper, you really really need to look at it. And you really really need to understand, wait for it, 3D. So, dear Reader, get some paper, 3 pencils (hard medium and soft, H HB and B), an eraser and try to draw a flower, plant, leaf or shell from life . If you do this with sincerity you'll have no choice but to really look at the object, this is