Female Gazpacho and Male Gazpacho.
There's not much food I'm bothered
about. I love rucola (rocket in English) and a few weeks ago I
discovered that I also like Gazpacho, a Spanish tomato soup served
Amazingly for me I looked up the recipe, and followed the law
according to Delia Smith. Quite nice. But it annoyed me that not only
did I have to peel the tomatoes but I also had to throw away the
tomato seeds. This means wasting time and materials. So I invented
Male Gazpacho. (All the other recipes you'll see are woosy wimpy Female Gazpacho versions).
Here are the steps:
- Make sure you have no amorous meetings, business appointments or job interviews during the two days following the making and consumation of Male Gazpacho.
- Follow Delia's recipe, except that you don't peel the tomatoes and you don't throw away the seeds. Use 4 (not 2) cloves of garlic. Don't make the garnish. Add in two crushed chili peppers.
E' voila! The perfect Male Gazpacho.
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