Female Gazpacho and Male Gazpacho.

There's not much food I'm bothered about. I love rucola (rocket in English) and a few weeks ago I discovered that I also like Gazpacho, a Spanish tomato soup served cold.

Amazingly for me I looked up the recipe, and followed the law according to Delia Smith. Quite nice. But it annoyed me that not only did I have to peel the tomatoes but I also had to throw away the tomato seeds. This means wasting time and materials. So I invented Male Gazpacho. (All the other recipes you'll see are woosy wimpy Female Gazpacho versions). 

Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure you have no amorous meetings, business appointments or job interviews during the two days following the making and consumation of Male Gazpacho.
  2. Follow Delia's recipe, except that you don't peel the tomatoes and you don't throw away the seeds. Use 4 (not 2) cloves of garlic. Don't make the garnish. Add in two crushed chili peppers.

E' voila! The perfect Male Gazpacho.


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